
Celebrating Advent with Children

Hello sweet friends and happy first Sunday of Advent! We are celebrating the season leading up to the Christmas holiday and preparing our homes and hearts for the promise of the returning of light.  Each Sunday leading up to Christmas, we will light another candle as we listen to stories and poems that reflect each candle that is lit.  

Decorating our advent wreath is always an adventure as we try to find natural elements around our neighborhood to use.  We use pinecones and dried oranges tucked into evergreen clippings, but you could also add the four elements to your wreath- using seashells or crystals, moss or berries, and wooden figures of animals and people to represent the four kingdoms of earth: mineral, plant, animal, and humankind.  

We ventured across the street this afternoon and cut some fresh evergreens for our advent wreath.  I haven't been very good about starting traditions or continuing traditions as a mama, but this is one that I love doing with my children every December!  There's something about candlelight that brings a sense of peace and calm and I always feel like it helps center us as we remember the beauty of this holiday season. 

"The First Light of Advent is the light of stones, the light that shines in seashells, crystals and in bones."  ~ Rudolph Steiner. The first candle also represents HOPE. "The hope inside my soul so deep ignites the fire my spirit keeps, awake at night, alive all day, burns bright within to lead the way." ~E. Straiton

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