
Waldorf Window Stars: Celebrating With Light!

Hello my friends! We are just two days into December and I can feel the magic of the holiday season upon us.  This is the season of lights and what better way to bring love and light to those around you, than by creating some beautiful stars for your windows.  I know they will bring a smile to anyone passing by! As the sun pours into your windows, the stars become illuminated and make the most simple and wonderful addition to any holiday decorations whether at home or at school- plus they are so very easy to make for children and adults.

Here's what you'll need:

  • Kite paper (we get ours here
  • Glue stick 

1. Choose the 8 colors you'd like to use for the star. There are endless combinations you can try!

2. Fold the paper in 1/2, matching the opposite corners together.  Open the paper back up.

3.  Fold the two top corners down until they touch the center crease.  Repeat Steps 2-3 with all 8 pieces of paper.

4.  Glue your star points together until you have used all 8 points.

Your finished star should look something like this!  There are MANY different ways to fold window stars and there are some very intricate patterns out there to try!  I hope you are able to bring some beautiful light and color into your space this holiday season!

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